5.4 2-track input / main mix output
A 2-track input, on RCA phono jacks , provides easy connection to DAT and other professional and semi-
professional audio equipment. The 2-track input is primarily for auditioning mix playback from tape. Switch
“2TK TO CTRL ROOM” routes this signal to the studio monitors. However, it can also be routed to the main mix
via switch “2TK TO MIX”. Here should be disengaged, or you will be listening to the 2-track signal
twice over! With depressed you have another stereo line input available to the mix.
Tip: The 2-track Input could be “normalled” to the output of a HiFi pre-amp, allowing you to monitor extra
sources such as vinyl, cassette, CD etc.
A single pair of unbalanced TS jacks deliver the main mix output to your 2-track recorder (or PA system).
RCA phono jack outputs are also provided for easy connection to DAT, cassette desk etc.
Level is ultimately determined by a precision main mix volume control .
5.5 Monitoring
The PHONES/CONTROL ROOM volume control determines the level to the PHONES output and
The L/R meters follow the main mix.
You will need a lot of cables for different purposes – see the following figures to make sure you have got the
right ones. Unbalanced equipment may be connected to balanced inputs/outputs. Either use mono 1/4" jacks
or connect ring and sleeve of TRS jacks.
Fig. 6.1: Headphone connection
Phantom power (+48 V DC) is provided. This can be switched on or off by the +48 V phantom switch .
Care should be taken NOT to plug mics into the console (or stagebox) while the phantom power is on. Also,
mute the monitor/PA speakers when turning phantom power on or off. Allow the system to adjust for a couple
of seconds after engaging phantom power before setting input gains.
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